October in the Garden: A To-Do List for UK Gardeners

As the crisp air of October settles in, the garden takes on a new charm. Leaves crunch underfoot, and summer blooms make way for the rich hues of autumn. But don’t pack away your tools just yet! There’s still plenty to do to keep your garden looking vibrant and prepped for the coming months. Here’s your fun, quick guide on what to tackle in the garden this October.

1. Tidy Up Fallen Leaves 🍂

Fallen leaves are beautiful but can suffocate your lawn. Rake them up to keep your grass healthy and add them to your compost heap for some rich leaf mould. Not into composting? Pile leaves in a corner to create a cozy habitat for hedgehogs and other wildlife.

2. Plant Spring Bulbs 🌷

Now’s the perfect time to plant daffodils, tulips, crocuses, and other spring bulbs. Tuck them into borders or containers about three times as deep as the bulb itself. You’ll thank yourself when they burst into life after winter, adding a much-needed splash of colour.

3. Prune Roses 🌹

Give your roses some love by pruning them back to prevent wind damage over the winter. Cut to about half their height, and snip off any dead or diseased stems. Your roses will appreciate the tidy-up and bounce back stronger next year.

4. Clear Out Annuals 🌼

The party’s over for summer annuals like petunias and marigolds. Pull them out and replace with winter pansies, heather, or evergreen shrubs to keep things looking lively. Add a layer of mulch to keep the soil cosy.

5. Plant a Tree 🌳

Celebrate autumn by planting a tree! Whether it’s a small ornamental like a crab apple or a native oak, October’s moist soil and cooler weather make it ideal for establishing young trees. Plus, you’ll be making a long-lasting contribution to the environment.

6. Sow Green Manure 🌱

Cover bare vegetable patches with a green manure like winter rye or clover. It’ll prevent soil erosion, suppress weeds, and improve soil fertility. In spring, just dig it back into the soil, and your beds will be nutrient-rich and ready to go!

7. Set Up Bird Feeders 🐦

With food sources dwindling, birds will be grateful for a helping hand. Set up feeders stocked with high-energy seeds, peanuts, and fat balls. Sit back and enjoy the company of robins, sparrows, and tits fluttering around your garden.

8. Harvest Apples & Pumpkins 🍏🎃

If you have an apple tree, pick the last of your crop and store them somewhere cool and dark. Pumpkins and squashes should also be gathered before the first frost. Use them for cooking, carving, or as a seasonal decoration.

9. Protect Delicate Plants 🥀

Wrap up tender plants like fuchsias and pelargoniums to shield them from the first frost. You can use horticultural fleece or bring them inside if space allows. They’ll appreciate the extra warmth as the nights grow colder.

10. Enjoy the Season! 🍁

Take a moment to savour your garden’s transformation. Enjoy the shifting colours, the rustling sounds of dry leaves, and the anticipation of what’s to come next spring. Gardening in October is all about preparing for the future while appreciating the present.

Happy gardening! And remember, your garden doesn’t just survive the colder months—it can thrive!

Autumn Gardening